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New & Better

Sep 18, 2023
When Jesus was raised from the dead and went back to the Father, He did so to present to us a NEW and BETTER COVENANT.
What makes it NEW and BETTER?
1. It is  a covenant God made with Jesus therefore we can’t mess it up. (Isa 53:5)
2. It is not fault finding. (Hebrews 8:7-8)
3. We are never forsaken even when we are unfaithful to God. (Hen 8:9)
4. We can know God for ourselves. (Hebrews 8:10-11)
5. Our sins are no longer remembered. (Hebrews 8:12)
These five things are not the only things that make it NEW and BETTER, but they do make me want to celebrate the resurrection of our King!

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