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Overcoming Emotions

Jul 30, 2023
This is a picture of me that I found in our move that was taken the summer between my 11th and 12th grade. It is hard to see due to the poor quality and age of the photo but my nose is heavily bandaged due to an extensive surgery I had and a 6-day hospital stay. The reason for the surgery was due to a fight I was in with a 23-year-old. The fight stemmed from a severe anger issue I dealt with for the first 30 years or so of my life. Thankfully through the years, I overcame the anger  issues, and when I saw this picture I was “VERY” thankful that I’m no longer an angry person and I asked how did I overcome it? Looking back I realized that there are some key factors that I applied in overcoming the anger and these keys will work for you too.
1. By seeing God as He really is so I could see myself as I really am.
2. Instead of focusing on the anger issues start meditating on I’m loved by God even if I never change.
3. On things of preference be very flexible on things of principle stand firm.
4. I don’t always have to be right.
5. Having peace is more important than being right.
6. Admit the issue of anger. Grace comes alive when you admit your issue and that you can’t change it by yourself.

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