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Want a Better Life or to Live Your Dream?

Sep 11, 2023
  1. Stop making excuses
    An excuse is what we often use to justify our unwillingness to take the steps we need to take to pursue our dreams or change limiting beliefs. If you look for a reason to not do something you’ll find it because we find what we look for in life.
    Prov 22:13 says; The lazy man is full of excuses. "I can't go to work!" he says. "If I go outside, I “might” meet a lion in the street and be killed!"
    2. Stop waiting for perfect conditions
    For some people, this was the year they talked about last year when they would get started on a project, a dream, or deal with a personal problem they have been putting off.
    Ecclesiastes 11:4 says; If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.
    ou will never get anything done.

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